Medicine acts on vermiform appendix, this has been used for appendicitis. Deathly sensation at point of stomach, pain in ileo-caecal region.
Mode of Action
Colocynthis 6x: Sensation as if stone were being found together in the abdomen.
Iris Tenax 6x: Deathly sensation at stomach-pit, vomiting of very green bile.
Belladonna 6x: Excessive tenderness of abdomen, which cannot bear the slightest touch.
Bryonia Alba 6x: Tenderness of abdominal walls, worse pressure.
Dioscorea Villosa Q: Griping, cramping pains in the embilical region, stomach & small intestine.
Mercurius Solubillis 6x: Boring pain in right groin, Bile secreted dificiently.
Lachesis 12x: Cannot wear anything around waist abdomen sensation painful.
Lycopodium 12x: Pain shooting across lower abdomen from right to left.
Plumbum Metallicum 6x: Very violent pains in abdomen. Hard nodorities in abdomen.
Magnesia Phosphorica 6x: Flatulent colic, forcing patent to bend double with belching of gas.
5-10 Drops with 1/4th cup water 5-6 times daily.