SBL ZINGIBER 6 CH DILUTION (30ML)SBL Zingiber OfficinaleCommon Name: Zingiber, Ginger Causes & Symptoms for SBL Zingiber OfficinaleZinziber Officinale helps in hyperacidity and gastritis. Taste of food remains long especially of bread and toast. It is useful for complaints from eating melons and drinking impure water.Stomach feels heavy like...
- Regular price
- $10.00
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- $10.00
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SBL VIOLA TRICOLOR 6 CH DILUTION (30ML)Viola Tricolor(Dilution)Tincture of fresh plant in flower. Common Name: Pansy, Jacea, Hearts ease Causes & Symptoms for Viola TricolorIn obstinate skin diseases, Tinea capitis with frequent involuntary urination.Impetigo of hairy scalp and face in children and adult females.Swelling and induration of cervical glands.Large boils...
- Regular price
- $10.00
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- $10.00
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- per
SBL VERBENA OFFICINALIS 6 CH DILUTION (30ML)Verbena Officinalis(Dilution)Common Name: Blue Ver vain Causes & Symptoms for Verbena OfficinalisNervous depression, weakness and irritation and spasmsPromotes the absorption of blood, helps in healing of wounds.Verbena Officinalis helps to drain the abscess.In complaints of Insomnia, restlessness, mental exhaustion, it helps to relax and...
- Regular price
- $10.00
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- $10.00
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- per
SBL UREA 6 CH DILUTION (30ML)Urea(Dilution)Tincture or solution of the nitrate - Urea nitrica The chief solid constituent of the urine of mammals. Common Name: Carbamide. Causes & Symptoms for UreaIt is diuretic, and is used in cirrhosis of liver, pleurisy, renal calculus.It relieves the cutaneous gouty eczema, itching...
- Regular price
- $10.00
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- $10.00
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- per
SBL THYROXINUM 6 CH DILUTION (30ML)SBL ThyroxinumCauses & Symptoms for SBL ThyroxinumThyroid dysfunction produces anemia, emaciation, muscular weakness, sweating, headache, nervous tremor of face and limbs, tingling sensations.It is also found beneficial in migraine in which there is an insufficiency of thyroid gland.Great weakness and hunger, yet loses flesh.Fullness...
- Regular price
- $10.00
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- $10.00
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- per
SBL THYROIDINUM 6 CH DILUTION (30ML)SBL ThyroidinumCommon Name: Dried Thyroid Gland of the Sheep Causes & Symptoms for SBL ThyroidinumThyroid dysfunction produces anemia, emaciation, muscular weakness, sweating, headache, nervous tremor of face and limbs, tingling sensations.It is also found beneficial in migraine in which there is an insufficiency of...
- Regular price
- $10.00
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- $10.00
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- per
SBL THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 6 CH DILUTION (30ML)SBL Thuja Occidentalis Dilution 200 CHCommon Name: Arbor Vitae Causes & Symptoms for SBL Thuja Occidentalis Dilution 200 CHComplaints that arise due to sunstroke, sexual excess, tea, Coffee, Beer, Sweets, Tobacco, Fat meat, Onions.Main action on the skin forming warts like excrescences, swelling on...
- Regular price
- $10.00
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- $10.00
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- per
SBL THIOSINAMINUM 6 CH DILUTION (30ML)SBL THIOSINAMINUM 6 CH DILUTION (30ML)ThiosinaminumCommon Name: Allyl sulphocarbamide,(Derived from Oil of Mustard-seed.) Causes & Symptoms for ThiosinaminumIt is useful for repairing Scar tissue.Thiosinaminum helps in Dissolving the fibroids.Tinnitus, ringing in the ears is relieved by Thiosinaminum.Indigestion, Flatulence after eating well relieved with this medicine.For healing scar tissue or...
- Regular price
- $10.00
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- $10.00
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- per
SBL THALLIUM METALLICUM 6 CH DILUTION (30ML)Thallium MetallicumCommon Name: The Metal Thallium Causes & Symptoms for Thallium MetallicumThallium Metallicum is useful for the complaint of loss of muscle function of lower limbs. There is trembling with paralytic feeling.Pains are lancinating type and like electric shocks. ]It is also useful in...
- Regular price
- $10.00
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- $10.00
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- per
SBL TABACUM 6 CH DILUTION (30ML)Tabacum(Dilution)Tincture of the fresh leaves collected before the flowers are developed. Common Name: Nicotiana tabacum, Tobacco. Causes & Symptoms for TabacumVomiting, icy coldness, and sweat, with the intermittent pulseComplete prostration of the entire muscular system.Constriction of throat, chest, bladder, rectum.Mind and Head Brain-fag, inability...
- Regular price
- $10.00
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- $10.00
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- per
SBL SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE 6 CH DILUTION (30ML)SBL Symphytum Officinale(Dilution)Common Name: Comfrey-Knitbone Causes & Symptoms for SBL Symphytum OfficinaleIt is indicated when complaints arise after severe falls, bad effects of blows, contusions, Injury to the eyes.Symphytum which is made from the root of the plant consists of crystalline solid which helps...
- Regular price
- $10.00
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- $10.00
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- per
SBL SULPHUR 6 CH DILUTION (30ML)SBL Sulphur Dilution 30 CHA saturated solution of Sulphur in absolute alcohol constitutes the tincture. Common Name: Brimstone Causes & Symptoms for SulphurIntolerably agreeable, tingling, itching pimples and vesicles aggarvated at night indicates Sulphur.Flushes of heat; rush of blood to head, chest, heart pertaining...
- Regular price
- $10.00
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- $10.00
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- per
SBL SILICEA 6 CH DILUTION (30ML)SBL Silicea(Dilution)Common Name: Silica. Pure Flint Silicea is the chronic of Pulsatilla. Causes & Symptoms for SBL Silica (Silicea)Silica promotes expulsion of foreign bodies from the tissues; fish bones, needles, bone splinters.It may cause the absorption of scar-tissue, liberate the disease, hence used in...
- Regular price
- $10.00
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- $10.00
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- per
SBL SERUM ANGUILLAE 6 CH DILUTION (30ML)minuria, we will find the eel's serum eminently efficacious to re-establish diuresis, and in rapidly arresting albuminuria. When during the course of heart-disease, the kidney, previously working well, should suddenly become affected and its function inhibited; and when besides we observe cardiac irregularities and...
- Regular price
- $10.00
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- $10.00
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- per
SBL SEPIA 6 CH DILUTION (30ML)SBL Sepia(Dilution)Trituration of dried liquid contained in the ink-bag of the cuttle fish is used to make the medicine. Common Name: Sepia Officinalis , Cuttle fish Causes & Symptoms for SBL SepiaDomination and restricted freedom, feeling of being unfortunate and neglected, represents for Sepia;...
- Regular price
- $10.00
- Regular price
- Sale price
- $10.00
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- per
SBL SANTONINUM 6 CH DILUTION (30ML)Santoninum(Dilution)A neutral active principle obtained from Cina Common Name: Santonin. Causes & Symptoms for SantoninumIt is said to be the best anti helminthic in children for ascaride worms.Santoninum is useful in the cases of Kidney affections, Urine related problems.The urine yellow colored and stains...
- Regular price
- $10.00
- Regular price
- Sale price
- $10.00
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- per
SBL SANGUINARIA NITRICUM 6 CH DILUTION (30ML)Sanguinarinum nitricum(Dilution)Common Name: Nitrate of Sanguinarine, Sanguinaria Nitricum Causes & Symptoms for Sanguinarinum nitricumThe catarrhal symptoms appear in great intensity-nose, eyes, throat, and bronchi being affected.Pains in eyes and head, sore scalp, obstructed nose, and burning pains throughout all regions.Sensation of obstruction and fullness...
- Regular price
- $10.00
- Regular price
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- $10.00
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- per
SBL RUTA GRAVEOLENS 6 CH DILUTION (30ML)Ruta Graveolens(Dilution)Tincture of whole fresh plant. Common Name: Rue-bitterwort Causes & Symptoms for Ruta GraveolensRuta has special affinity to tendons, cartilage, and periosteum especially in injuries and effects therefrom are relieved.Tendency to the formation of deposits in the periosteum, in bone, in tendons, about...
- Regular price
- $10.00
- Regular price
- Sale price
- $10.00
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- per
SBL ROBINIA PSEUDACACIA 6 CH DILUTION (30ML)SBL Robinia Pseudacacia(Dilution)Tincture of fresh root bark. Tincture of fresh bark of young twigs. Trituration of the beans is used for preparation of medicine.It is said to be native of North america. Its dried leaves are helpful in treatment of wounds caused by burns....
- Regular price
- $10.00
- Regular price
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- $10.00
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- per
SBL RHUS TOXICODENDRON 6 CH DILUTION (30ML)SBL Rhus Toxicodendron Dilution 200 CHTincture of fresh leaves gathered at sunset just before flowering time is used to make the medicine. Common Name: Poison Oak Causes & Symptoms for SBL Rhus Toxicodendron Dilution 200 CHThe complaints of Rhus Toxicodendron remedy come on from...
- Regular price
- $10.00
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- $10.00
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- per