REPL DR. ADVICE NO 51 (HERNIMAX) DROPS (30ML)Indication:Strangulated hernia, weakness of abdominal ring region. Umbilical hernia of infants, constrictive pain in testicles. Abdominal muscles weak it seems as if a hernia would take place. Mode of Action:Nux Vomica Q: Cramp like pain and spasmodic contraction in spermatic cord.Cocculus Indicus Q: Feeling...
- Regular price
- $12.00
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- $12.00
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REPL DR. ADVICE NO 61 (LIVER TROUBLES) DROPS (30ML)Indication:A prominent liver remedy, covering many of the direct reflex symptoms of this diseased Conditions of that organ. The action of this drug is centred in the liver, and portal system. Causing soreness, pain, jaundice. Has specific relation to the vascular system. Mode of...
- Regular price
- $12.00
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- $12.00
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REPL DR. ADVICE NO 130 (DEAF-EN) DROPS (30ML)Dr. Advice No. 130 (Deaf-En) Composition (Ingredients):Merc Sol 6Kali Mure 6Hydrastis C QGraphites 6Pulsatilla QPlantago QIndication:Deafness, Hearing Loss, Conductive hearing loss in one or both ear, Old age situation, Difficulty in hearing other people & often misunderstanding. Mode of Action:Merc Sol 6: Thick, yellow...
- Regular price
- $12.00
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- $12.00
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REPL DR. ADVICE NO 79 (PSORIASIS) DROPS (30ML)Indication:Acts as a powerful irritant so used successfully in skin diseases especially in psoriasis. Violent itching, thighs, legs and back of ears, Dry, scaly eruption, Lemon- Coloured Crust. Mode of Action:Arsenicum Album 30x: Skin dry as parchment, yellowish colour of the skin, Hot itching...
- Regular price
- $12.00
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- $12.00
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REPL DR. ADVICE NO 102 (VARICOSE VEINS) DROPS (30ML)Dr. Advice No. 102 (Vericose Veins) Composition (Ingredients):Calcarea Flourica 6xHamamelis Virginius QAcidum Flouricum (Flouric Acid) 6xApis Mellifica 3xIndication:The medicine acts upon the coats of the veins causing relaxation with consequent engorgement. Tired feeling in arms and legs. Very sore muscles and joints, Vericose veins...
- Regular price
- $12.00
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- $12.00
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REPL DR. ADVICE NO 211 (FISSUR-EN) DROPS (30ML)Indication:Fissure, burning or itching in anal area, Streaks of blood on stools, A sharp, stinging, or burning pain during bowel movements. Mode of action:Acidum Nitricum (Nitric Acid) 6: Hemorrhages from bowels, profuse, bright. Rectum feels torn. Bowels constipated, with fissures in rectum.Ratanhia Q: Anus...
- Regular price
- $12.00
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- $12.00
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REPL DR. ADVICE NO 63 (STERLIN-M) DROPS (30ML)Indication of Dr. Advice No. 63 (Sterlin-M):The testicles are cold, swollen, hard and painful. Azoospermia, Oligospermia, sterility. Mode of Action of Dr. Advice No. 63 (Sterlin-M):Damiana Q: Lack of vitality, premature ejaculation, erection.Chininum Sulphuricum 6: Relaxation and aching of right testes in the evening,...
- Regular price
- $12.00
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- $12.00
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REPL DR. ADVICE NO 63 (STERLIN-M) DROPS (30ML)Indication of Dr. Advice No. 63 (Sterlin-M):The testicles are cold, swollen, hard and painful. Azoospermia, Oligospermia, sterility. Mode of Action of Dr. Advice No. 63 (Sterlin-M):Damiana Q: Lack of vitality, premature ejaculation, erection.Chininum Sulphuricum 6: Relaxation and aching of right testes in the evening,...
- Regular price
- $12.00
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- $12.00
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REPL DR. ADVICE NO 30 (CORNS) DROPS (30ML)IndicationSoreness in folds of skin, warts large jagged, bleeding easily on tips of fingers and nose. Polypi, Tubercles, Warts epithelioma, Naeva, especially in ano-genital region. Mode of ActionCausticum 30x: Painful corns in the feet, warts also with pain and inflammation.Thuja Occidentalis Q: Warts on...
- Regular price
- $12.00
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- $12.00
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REPL DR. ADVICE NO 56 (HYDRONIL) DROPS (30ML)Indication:Testicles swollen, painful, drawn up, gland feel crushed, Irritation and swelling of testes, Mydrocels. Mode of Action:Arnica Montana 30x: Inflammatory swelling of the testes after mechanical injuries.Bryonia Alba 6x: Shooting in the testes- Stitches.Spongia Tosta 6x: Hard swelling of the testes and of the...
- Regular price
- $12.00
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- $12.00
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REPL DR. ADVICE NO 101 (UTERUS TROUBLES) DROPS (30ML)Indication:This remedy has a most pronounced effect on the female organs, Indurated cervix, uterus fills up whole pelvis, Ulceration of neck of work and vagina, Dropsy, swelling of, Medicine has more power over uterine tumours. Mode of Action:Calcarea Flourica 30x: Dragging pains in uterus...
- Regular price
- $12.00
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- $12.00
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REPL DR. ADVICE NO 85 (PARALIN-S) DROPS (30ML)Dr. Advice No. 85 (Paralin-S) Composition (Ingredients):Kali Phosphoricum 6xCausticum 30xGelsemium Sempervirens 30xLathyrus Sativus 6xThallium Metelicum 6xCurare 30xIndication:The gradually appearing weakness and trembling of muscles of deglutition, of tongue, eyelids, face, cannot walk, paralysis of any part Loss of sensation. Mode of Action:Kali Phosphoricum 6x:...
- Regular price
- $12.00
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- $12.00
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REPL DR. ADVICE NO 73 (NASAL POLYP) DROPS (30ML)Dr. Advice No. 73 (Nasal Polyp) Composition (Ingredients):Sanguinarinum Nitricum QLemna Minor QTeucrium 6xThuja QCalcerea Flour 30xIndication:Is of use in polypus of the nose. Acute and chronic catarrh. Acute pharyngitis. Smarting and burning in throat. Chronic nasal, Laryngeal catarrh. Mode of Action:Sanguinarinum Nitricum Q: Increased...
- Regular price
- $12.00
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- $12.00
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REPL DR. ADVICE NO 23 (BREAST ATROPHY) DROPS (30ML)Dr. Advice No. 23 (Breast Atrophy) Composition (Ingredients)Chimaphila Umbellata QConium Maculatum 30xSabal Serrulata QLycopodium 30xSepia 30xUrtica Urens QAgnus Castus QPulsatilla QIndicationRapid atrophy of breasts. women with very large breasts and tumor in the mammary gland with sharp pain through it. Breasts shrivel. Mode of...
- Regular price
- $12.00
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- $12.00
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REPL DR. ADVICE NO 53 (HIRSUTISM) DROPS (30ML)Indication of Dr. Advice No. 53 (Hirsutism) hirsutism 53One curious symptom is abnormal growth of hairs on the face of women. Acts as emmenagogue in young woman. Composition (Ingredients) of Dr. Advice No. 53 (Hirsutism)Oleum Jec. 6xNatrum Muriaticum 200xThuja Occidentalis 30xSulphur 30xMode of Action...
- Regular price
- $12.00
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- $12.00
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REPL DR. ADVICE NO 70 (NODULESS) DROPS (30ML)Indication:Numerous small nodules under skin, Cauliflower excredcences of os uteri, with flying pains, Patient tends towards malignancy and inveterate skin disease. Gouty nodosities. Mode of Action:Calcerea Carbonia 30x: Encysted glandular swelling, which are renewed Polypus, swelling of the glands, softening.Calcarea Fluorica 30x: Glands of...
- Regular price
- $12.00
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- $12.00
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